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Submitted / Under Review

  • Nguyen, T., Tunçgenç, B., Marsh, L., Markova, G., Horn, L., Pointner, N., Schleihauf, H., & Hoehl, S. (under review). The role of motor synchrony for social learning. 

  • Kostorz, K., Nguyen, T., Pan, Y., Melinscak, F., Steyrl, D., Hu, Y., Sorger, B., Hoehl, S., & Scharnowski, F. (under review). Towards fNIRS Hyperfeedback: A Feasibility Study on Real-Time Interbrain Synchrony. bioRxiv, 2023.12.11.570765.

Peer-reviewed journal papers

  1. Nguyen, T.*, Kungl, M.T.*, Hoehl, S., White, L.O.*, & Vrticka, P.* (2024). Visualizing the invisible tie. Linking Parent-Child Neural Synchrony to Parents’ and Children’s Attachment Representations. Developmental Science.

  2. Nguyen, T., Reisner, S., Lueger, A., Wass, S.V., Hoehl, S. & Markova, G. (2023). Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 64, 101313.

  3. Novembre, G., Nguyen, T., Bigand, F., Tucci, V., Papaleo, F., Bianco, R., Koul, A. (2023). Sociality and Timing: Correlation or Causation? Comment on ‘The evolution of social timing’ by Verga L., Kotz S. & Ravignani A. Physics of Life Review, 47, 179-181

  4. Nguyen, T., Flaten E., Trainor, L.*, & Novembre, G.* (2023). Early social communication through music: State of the art and future perspectives. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience63, 101279.

  5. Nguyen, T., Zimmer, L., & Hoehl, S. (2023). Your turn, my turn: Neural synchrony in mother-infant proto-conversations. Philosophical Transactions B: Biology, 378(1875), 20210488.

  6. Markova, G., Nguyen, T. (2022). Interpersonal synchrony is associated with infants’ reactions to caregiver-infant miscoordination. Social Development.

  7. Kayhan, E., Nguyen, T., Matthes, D., Langeloh, M., Michel, C., Jiang, J., & Hoehl, S. (2022). Interpersonal neural synchrony when predicting others’ actions during a game of rock-paper-scissors. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12967.

  8. Nguyen, T., Hoehl, S., Bertenthal, B., & Abney, D. (2022). Coupling between prefrontal brain activity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia in infants and adults. Registered Report. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 58, 101184.

  9. Nguyen, T., Abney, D. H, Bertenthal, B. I, & Hoehl, S. (2021). Infants’ Social Communication from a Predictive Processing Perspective. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43. Retrieved from

  10. Nguyen, T., Abney, D., Salamander, D., Bertenthal, B., & Hoehl, S. (2021). Proximity and touch relate to neural but not physiological synchrony in mother-infant dyads. Neuroimage, 244, 118599.

  11. Nguyen, T., Hoehl., S., & Vrticka, P. (2021). A Guide to Parent-Child fNIRS Hyperscanning Data Analysis. Sensors, 21, 4075.

  12. Nguyen, T., Schleihauf, H., Kungl, M., Kayhan, E., Hoehl, S.*, & Vrticka, P.* (2021). Interpersonal neural synchrony during father-child problem solving: An fNIRS hyperscanning study. Child Development.

  13. Nguyen, T., Schleihauf, H., Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Vrticka, P., & Hoehl, S. (2021). Neural synchrony in mother-child conversation: Exploring the role of communicative patterns. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 93-102.

  14. Markova, G., Nguyen, T., Schätz, C., & de Eccher, M. (2020). Singing in Tune – Being in Tune: Relationship Between Maternal Playful Singing and Interpersonal Synchrony. Enfance, 1, 89–107.

  15. Nguyen, T., Schleihauf, H., Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Vrticka, P., & Höhl, S. (2020). The effects of interaction quality on neural synchrony during mother-child problem solving. Cortex, 124, 235-249.

  16. Markova, G., Nguyen, T., & Höhl, S. (2019). Neurobehavioral Interpersonal Synchrony in Early Development: The Role of Interactional Rhythms. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2078.


Book chapter

  • Hoehl, S., Tuente, M., & Nguyen, T. (2024). Von Herz zu Herz – Welche Rolle spielt Interozeption für soziale Kognition und Interaktionen in der frühen Entwicklung? In Magnus Schlette & Christian Tewes (eds.), In Kontakt mit der Wirklichkeit: Die Perspektivität verkörperter Wahrnehmung. De Gruyter. pp. 237-256.

  • Nguyen, T., Bánki, A., Markova, G., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Studying parent-child interaction with hyperscanning. In M. Meyer & S. Hunnius (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research: New Perspectives on Early Social-cognitive Development, 254, 1-24.

* Shared authorship.

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